Hello, I'm Kerri.
Find Out Why More People Are Choosing K. Moss Photography

You’ve seen my photos and read a bit about the K. Moss experience. Since you’re still scrolling, you’re likely thinking that we could be an awesome match for each other! (yay!)
But how can you know for sure?
You memories are important and it’s so crucial that you make the right choice.
There are so many photographers to choose from, so what makes me stand out?
Imagine this: A photographer points to where you should stand, and then…silence as they photograph you. The only sound surrounding you is the camera’s shutter, as you begin wondering if you look okay, and start feeling totally awkward.
Pretty cringe-worthy, huh? You can breathe, though, because that isn’t how your experience with K. Moss Photography is going to be at all.
Now imagine your photographer guiding you, not only making you feel comfortable in front the camera, but comfortable being you. You notice that all of your worries have suddenly been replaced by excitement and you already can’t wait to see the finished photos.
That’s me. I’m your photographer.
Forget super posed photos or worrying about what you should do with your hands. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help you relax and get you laughing until you cry. Within minutes, you’ll forget all about the camera and it will feel more like hanging out with a friend.
You aren’t “just another session on my calendar”. The days leading up to your session are spent getting to know you, offering tips to prepare, and guiding through a relaxing experience.
I Don't Believe In Mini Sessions
Photos are best when you’re relaxed and have time to become comfortable in front of the camera. That is really hard to do with only a 15 minute time slot, especially for children!
Your session includes time for us to laugh together and play with your children, resulting in more natural images without that rushed feeling.
When K. Moss Photography was being born, I promised myself that I would give my clients a full experience. While I wanted to ‘wow’ them at the first phone call or email and through the session planning process, I didn’t want it to stop there!
I Believe Your Memories Deserve More Than A USB
I dreamed of their eyes lighting as they sifted through the tissue paper, seeing an array of pretty boxes inside each wrapped with a large blue bow. I wanted them to unwrap each print, instantly trying to think of the perfect spot to display it on their wall. I wanted them to be able to view these images every day, without needing electricity. I wanted them to have the print quality that only a professional lab can provide. I wanted them to be reminded of the happiest moments in their lives each time they entered a room.
I wanted to give an Experience.

Why Am I a Professional Photographer?
My nan met my pop when she was in her late teens. Oh, my pop swept her off her of feet as they spent nights out together dancing. “Chances Are” was one of their favorite songs and the song I chose to dance with my pop to at my wedding. Sometimes, she would surprise my pop with banana pancakes, his favorite (even back then the way to a guy’s heart was his stomach, ha). Sometime during their courtship (yes, courtship….this was the 50s!), my pop gifted this engraved anklet. Thinking back as far as I can remember, I can’t remember a day that my nan didn’t have it adorned on her ankle.
My grandparents were married July 25, 1958. Shortly after being married, they began to start a family, which didn’t take long to grow to a total of ten! With most of their children pretty close in age, my pop liked to joke that sometimes he would just have to walk in the door after work and my nan would be instantly pregnant. Ha.
As my pop spent his years working two jobs to support his family, my nan devoted her life to her children (and later, grandchildren). Although it was quite the feat to care for such a large family (did I mention there were six boys?!), my nan didn’t complain because family meant the world to her.
Around the year 2000 or so, my nan started to grow ill. Her health deteriorated tremendously over the next ten years. As time went on, she required more assistance with daily tasks. Eventually she grew weak enough that she was unable to walk at all and my pop would carry her to the bathroom. I’m sure she would be a little angry that I shared this, but it was that moment when I first saw my pop gently scoop her up, that I promised myself I would always strive for that kind of love.
Just passing 50 years of marriage, my nan lay there in her hospital bed, fighting so hard to keep going, even hours after her life support was turned off. My pop held her hand and told her, “it’s okay”. Moments later, she passed.

I now hold this engraved heirloom, once given by a boy to a girl who he fancied, with no idea how strong their love would one day become. While my heart breaks into a million pieces when I think of them, I’m also reminded of how absolutely amazing love can be. It’s because of them that I believe so strongly in marriage and the reason I strive to one day pass 50 years of marriage as well.
This is one of my favorite stories to share, however, it has a bit of a heartbreaking end. The story of my grandparents, and images of my nan, live only in my memory. Despite her being the most important role model in my life, I admittingly have no photos of her. She was never fond of the camera, and one she became ill, she disliked photos even more. I will forever regret not pushing her for at least one photo, something to cling onto when my heart hurts from missing her.
Your photos mean so, so much to me. I want to capture these moments for you. I want to help create your family heirloom. I want to provide you with the prints that will one day heal hearts.