We’re waiting until our hair looks perfect, we drop a few pounds, until we’re wearing nicer clothes.
As adults, we tend to shy away from the camera.
I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this also. Following the end of the Dream Dress Experience, many girls excitedly ask their mom to take a photo of us together. I’ll be honest, I had to bite my tongue a few times when I almost replied, “oh, I don’t want to be in a photo right now. I look like a mess!”
See, children have different eyes than we do. They are blind to our messy hair or noticing that we went up a pants size. Their eyes are magical. They’re able to see moments and love.
I’m pretty sure that we don’t reach adulthood and automatically dislike what we see in the mirror. Somewhere along the line, we learned it.
What if children today could grow up and keep their magic eyes forever? What if WE could help make that happen and raise a new generation to love who they are, what they look like, and care more about the moment than dropping a pound? What if there was an entire generation who truly believed that being happy, feeling your best, and having a good heart is more important than magazine beauty standards?
Here’s something to try: the next time a child asks you to be in a photo, oblige without any hesitation. Sometime late, be it a few months or a year, show that photo and ask, “what does this photo make you think of?”. I promise they’ll excitedly blurt out a memory of a fun day and won’t notice your sweatpants and messy bun.