Conrad Weiser Homestead Engagement Session | Sarah & Jimmy

When Sarah and I began talking about engagement session ideas, she didn’t have anything particular in mind but definitely wanted their pups, Leo and Joey, to be a part of their photos. I’m so glad I was able to find a dog-friendly spot because seeing how much these two love their children, their engagement photos would feel incomplete without them!Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss PhotographyConrad Weiser Engagement Session Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss PhotographyLots of open grass area + a handful of people = puppies just want to play!

It took a few tries to get this photo but it ended up being so worth it (plus I don’t think Jimmy and Sarah minded sharing a few extra kisses!).Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography
After taking a few family photos, Joey and Leo went off to play with their human friend, and Jimmy and Sarah snuck off for a few photos together. The photos of all four of them are adorable, but seeing the way these two look at each other just makes you melt! The way they fall into each other so comfortably, make each other laugh without even trying, and share those love-filled glances…it’s so easy to see that these two really are made to be.
Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography
The humidity was ridiculously high, but they were such good sports about it, still cozying up together and looking relaxed.
Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography

Conrad Weiser Engagement Session | K. Moss PhotographyThe countdown is on for these two, as they’re already under the one-year mark until their wedding! I’m so excited to see how they incorporate their doggy babies into their day ๐Ÿ™‚

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