Lockridge Furnace Engagement Session | Emily & Warren

For many people, a job is just one of those adult things you do every day. You expect to wake up, work your shift, collect a paycheck. When Emily and Warren started working at their job, they probably expected just that. Little did they know, they would eventually end up finding a perfect match in each other. Instead of just getting a paycheck, they ended up each finding the love of their life!Lehigh Valley Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography When it became time for engagement session planning, they envisioned a casual, but cozy rustic vibe. Lockridge Furnace instantly came to mind and they fell in love with the idea. Fall weather hadn’t quite hit us but we lucked out with a peak of those autumn colors.

Emily describes Warren as a romantic, who loves surprising her and making every moment special. The way they embraced each other during their session showed how true this was. You could feel how comfortable they were together and how safe Emily felt every time he wrapped his arms around her. In between their romantic moments, they playfully exchanged glances and laughed about nothing in particular.

Lehigh Valley Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography Lehigh Valley Engagement Session | K. Moss Photography

These two are eagerly counting down to their wedding, only a few short months away! They have the most elegant and romantic decor ideas and I’m so excited to be a part of and share in their emotional day!

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