My aunt recently found this photo of my nan and I.
Each time I look at it, tears stream down my face, because this is the only photo of her and I that I know to exist.
The most influential person in my life, my best friend, my mother figure.
I will forever spend the rest of my life wishing I had tried harder to convince her to be in the photo. I wish I had told her that I didn’t care her hair wasn’t done or that she was wearing her nightgown. That it didn’t matter to me that she looked tired or that she didn’t want to be remembered at a time she wasn’t feeling her best. I just wanted to forever remember someone I loved so much.
I will forever be an advocate of printed photos. I will always encourage you to be in the photo. I will always be here to remind you that your children don’t see any of your insecurities or the flaws you worry about. I promise you.
I want your children to have so many photos of you to look back on one day, when they’re gasping for air, missing you so much, and desperately needing a way to revisit those happy times together.
Mom, dad. Be in the photo. Please. Those who love you most want so much more than to settle for a single fading 40 year old photo