Secrets to a Stress-Free Start to Your Wedding Day

The morning of your wedding day can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! With a bit of proper planning, you can help yourself be a relaxed and mellow bride, as you count down the hours til I Do.

Heading to the salon to get your hair and make-up done seems like a great idea – until you find yourself nervously glancing at your watch, seeing the minutes quickly go by, knowing that you’ll have to rush back to the hotel to throw on your dress super-speed.

Instead of traveling the morning of your wedding, request that salon services take place at the location you plan to get dressed. This will help eliminate the need to constantly watch the clock, since you won’t have to worry about rushing back to the room.

The second biggest stress-inducing part of a wedding day is travel time. While it’s always more convenient to get ready at the same location that your wedding will be held, it isn’t always possible. Always be sure to calculate extra time for traveling between locations – even if it’s a route you take every day. The best rule of thumb is to give yourself 10-15 minutes to pack up and get to your transportation and then double the amount of time that it usually takes to drive. It’s always better to give yourself a little extra time padding, just to be on the safe side!

These tips may seem small but they will help guarantee the start of a stress-free wedding morning!

Berks County Bride and Bridesmaid with custom wedding robes | K. Moss Photography


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