Although Chelsea and Sean’s wedding took place nearly two years ago, I’ve kept in touch with both of them. One morning, I received a message from Chelsea. She explained she had huge news and couldn’t wait to share it with me…they were going to become a family of three! The news was pretty exciting itself but what followed was even better. Chelsea continued on, asking if I would stand alongside them and photograph another chapter in their lives. My response was probably a blob of random words that didn’t quite make sense but she knew my excitement meant there was no way I missing this milestone.

Wanting Chelsea to avoid any frustration that would stem from looking for something to wear that would flatter her Baby H belly, I scoured the internet until I found something I knew she would love. As I scrolled through endless options, I smiled, knowing that relationship I form with my couples allows me to take the reigns and choose something they’ll fall in love with!

Sticking with simplicity and fewer decisions for Chelsea and Sean to worry about, I suggested we schedule their late-summer maternity session at the Allentown Rose Gardens.
The weather forecasts made us nervous right up until just a few hours before their session, showing 75%+ chance of thunderstorms. We thought back to their engagement session a few years ago, which we had to cut short due to scary lightning and quickly flooding roads. Just as we were going to make our final call to reschedule, the chance of storms plummeted below 20% and it was go time!

Chelsea and Sean have spent time with me a handful of times now but I know that it can still be intimidating to be in front a camera. The time during their session wasn’t completely spent taking photos, but instead had random laugh-til-you-cry conversations tied in. Everyone was far more relaxed, leading to totally natural moments.

I am anxiously awaiting Baby H to make his or her arrival in October and am so flattered to have been welcomed into their little family’s life. We’ve already talked about future family sessions and I am beyond excited to hear those little baby giggles!